Aniket’s job query

Aniket’s job query

Case study 2It was 17th March 2013, when Aniket consulted me. Such a young, talented engineer but was in pretty miserable state. He was in a good job till recently, but all of a sudden the cruel cost cutting axe fell on him, and he got fired! Aniket was rather over confident that he would get another job in no time because of his qualifications, experience and track records, but luck wasn’t ready to smile at him, days galloped ,weeks passed and calendar turned four pages;  Aniket was still jobless, wandering into job market. Now it was a panic situation for him.

Will he be able to get a job soon?

As always, KP Horary provided him a razor sharp prediction… How? Read on…….

“Don’t worry, Aniket, usually engineers of your rank and caliber won’t remain jobless for this long, it is just a bad patch, but we’ll find out when the Sun will shine”

“Is it? Can Astrology tell this?”

“Of course it can, many had experienced this and now it is your turn”

Aniket put his birth chart in front of me but I preferred to do the Horary. For answering day to day questions such as finding a job, transfers/promotion, job changes, Sale and Purchase of real estate etc ‘Horary’ is the best tool.

Birth chart is fine as far as getting an overall picture; it provides kind of bird’s eye view, while Horary can pin point and answer your day to day problems  precisely . With Birth charts the biggest nightmare is the accuracy of birth time, it is my observation that almost 98% charts I come across have inaccurate birth time ranging from +/- 10 minutes to anywhere in the neighborhood of +/- 30 minutes.

KP is a sub lords theory, sub lord changes every 2-3 minutes and an inaccuracy of even 5 minutes would turn the chart upside down, from Hero to Zero.

There are many birth time rectification methods available. In KP a Ruling planets based technique is advocated and widely used. But Ruling planets concept itself is based on some Divine help / intuition principles. Astrologers blessed with high intuitive powers get all the help from Ruling Planets as one would get from his obedient servants. Unfortunately for me this help is in short supply, Ruling planets rarely help me. That’s why, I seldom use them in my practice.

For Birth Time rectification;  I use ‘Past events’ based techniques such as Solar arc, Tertiary Progressions and Uranian Planetary pictures. But for that I need at least a dozen odd past events from client’s life, there must be at least 3-4 traumatic events. In addition to this I also need some client’s personal information and in some case a face to face meeting is also required. Even then, after laboring for an entire  day, I usually come out with only a near approximate birth time. Many times client is not comfortable in sharing personal information and many are not prepared to compensate for this effort.

Anyway, for Horary, chart is erected on the spot at the time of the query, astrologer then can set the time quite precisely up to milliseconds if needed. Analysis is straight forward with minimum clutter or distractions, as we are concentrating only on a single event. The focus is quite narrow and efforts can be concentrated on select few factors, overlooking other irrelevants. Many veteran KP astrologers either directly or indirectly, are strongly in favor of KP Horary as opposed to KP Natal.

But before resorting to Horary, please check following points:

  1. It is querent ’s own question.
  2. Querent is personally involved in the situation.
  3. Question must be of something very important, urgent and querent is really desperate to know the answer. Means there must be a real urge.
  4. Intention must be sincere, there should not be any casual approach or question that is asked just to test the astrologer or for some mockery.
  5. The same question is not asked to any other astrologer/s in the recent past.
  6. Querent is sufficiently involved and already putting his/her own efforts in working out a solution.
  7. Lastly, the outcome of the question (event) must known (good/bad, favorable/unfavorable, success/Failure) within a time frame of six month to one year and answer should be verifiable.

OK, now towards Mr. Aniket.

17 thoughts on “Aniket’s job query

  1. Sir as per knowledge nodes are giving results as follows –
    1) With whom they are conjoined (within the sign)
    if not conjoined ……….
    2) Aspected by the planets ……..
    Neither conjoined or Aspected by any planet
    3) In which star it belongs
    4) In which sign it is posited.(represents the sign lord)

    In your analysis Rahu posited in XI, conjoined with Sat. So RAhu with represent Sat.As Sat is in the star of RAHU posited in 11 so Rahu has the capacity to give the result of !! house. Not necessary to check the other steps. Please if I wrong , correct me by your valuable advise.
    My email Add :
    Thanks & Regards

  2. Yes, you are correct, we need to stop there only, But , next steps are mentioned for information. I view my posts as a learning tool, so when I explain something , I try to touch all the bases. So one can handle all situation with confidence.

    God bless you.


  3. Sir, you are absolutely right. But the beginers will get confused. After providing all the details as you have done in the article please also mention up to which level astrologer should proceed based on his requirements.

    Thanks & Regards

    Pradip Das.

  4. Very interesting case study again. Though I have yet to read full case study, I am sure it generates lot of interest. I will read it the moment I get time from my regular work. Request you to add some unique topic in Learn KP section, something interesting from KP. I already started learning KP but still I have to learn When that event is going to happen. Thanks a lot for this case study. I am sure, this will be a good reference material to my KP learning experience.

    • Thanks.
      Yes, I am working on a series of articles of ‘Learn KP’ and as expected by you, it will be unique, through and in a down to earth style. There are lots of misunderstandings about KP, created by KP Scholars as well as KP haters!

      So keep visiting,

      God bless you.


  5. hello sir,
    thank you to start learn kp section . i am a learner of kp through books but some time when time to implement so many quires in mind . i posted my queries in one of kp group on yahoo but no one have time to reply. i will send it to you if you permit to send mail
    thank you


    • Hi Shriraj.

      Thanks for visiting this blog and showing interest in the posts published.

      Books can take you up to a certain point but beyond that you need a Guru. As far forums and groups are concerned you might get confused by the answers you receive.

      I can answer some of the queries if time permits , write to me whenever you get struck.

      Anyway , pretty soon I am starting a web based training program that might help you.

      Hope this helps

      God bless you


  6. DEar Sir,
    Will this only work for horary? Can I apply this same logic to the cuspal chart?
    I don’t have a way to do the horary chart for my location, so I am wondering how to get the same analysis from the native’s chart that I have for the same query.


    • Hi,

      Yes KP rules and methodologies are same for both Natal and Horary charts. Of course there are certain finer details those differ.

      I wonder what difficulties you are facing in creating a Horary chart at your location ? If you can elaborate further I might be in a position to help you.

      Thanks for your interest.

      Wish you all the best

      SUhas Gokhale

      • So I have the online software on website. But it doesn’t ask for my location to create horary chart. So I am not sure how to do this. So I am trying to apply the same logic you have given above to the natal/cuspal chart.
        My second question is per the current dasa lord, it is supporting 5, 10, 11 and hence I see job change for the native. But job change happened in the begining of the dasa itself. How can I tell if there is another expected job change before the dasa ends?

    • In KP signification a planet can signify many houses and this significance is in 4 grades . A , B , C, D .

      A = House where the planet’s Star Lord is posited.
      B = House wherein the planet itself is posited,
      C= House/es owned by Start Lord of the Planet
      D = House/es owned by the planet itself.

      A grade significance is strongest and D grade significance of course is the weakest one. In this case study The Moon is 10th CSL is Moon, its significance is 4 / 6/ 10/ 9 (A/B/C/D) , 9th house signification by the Moon is of ‘D’ grade, means the weakest one. Hence it won’t stop the Moon from giving job to the native, as the Moon is already B and C grade significator of 6th and 10th house .

      Hope this answers your question.

      Keep visiting this blog, share your comments. suggestion (and brickbats if any!) , you are welcome here.

      My best wishes and God bless you.


  7. Good article. Very informative. Thank you so munch for explaining in detail. Can you share how did you arrive at 3rd June? This is out of the range we finalized as sooshma dasa.

    • Hi Ravi,

      Thanks for visiting my blog.

      Anket joined on 3rd of June. But he got his job offer in the May , so techically he got job then only, Joining date is the next step , but for all practcle purposes he got employed before that.

      Hope this helps


      Suhas Gokhale

  8. Please tell mine also sir am worried 14/12/1994 1.30pm yadgir,karnataka even I will get the job, what job I will get please tell me please please sir.

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